The Young Money concert fraud-a-thon continues and this time it’s YM’s first lady who’s fake concert promoter’s latest victim.

Nicki Minaj recently threatened to expose a faux promoter who started a false ad campaign that she was performing tonight at New Jersey’s Montclair State University.


Minaj recently put the perpetrator on front street via Twitter, tweeting,

“According to msu, they sent $ to a man by the name of Romarick Hough of Premiere Talent Agency. 646.327.8648.”

She followed that up by assuring that the matter would be handled so no more of her fans would be swindled out of their cash,

“Our legal teams are working. There are way more schools that were scammed. We are working to put an end to this. Thank you.”

Montclair reportedly paid the fake promoter $30,000 to have Minaj appear in concert.

As recently reported, two promoters have been hit with lawsuits claiming they took close to $50,000 from a Dallas-based promotion company to book Drake, but never delivered the artists and never returned the money.