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Dr Christopher Tufton, minister of industry, investment and commerce.

The proposals were arrived at following consultations with stakeholders.

Newly appointed minister, Dr Christopher Tufton, said the proposals will be taken to the next meeting of Cabinet as the Ministry moves to curb the theft of valuable metal infrastructure.

Tufton said he expects Cabinet to discuss the proposals within the next two weeks and make a decision on the way forward.

The scrap metal trade has wreaked havoc on the island’s infrastructure, with railway lines, copper wires and telephone cables being stolen.

Just this week there were reports that scrap metal thieves raided graves at the May Pen cemetery and that the police seized two containers of stolen railway lines which are believed to have been destined for the scrap metal trade.

The National Works Agency said yesterday it was trying to source $4 million to replace drain covers stolen by thieves.

Over the past three years losses in the public and private sectors have been put at about one-billion dollars.


SOURCE; go-jamaica