When one thinks of Faith, the 18th book in the Bible, The Book of Job, fills their heavens. This particular book manages to touch hearts and meditation, each time read, because of all the details portrayed in it of a man that his faith was tested, tried and found true. Richie Spice has managed to orchestrate his entire life’s struggles and trials into his 5th album, ‘The Book of Job’, a proper and masterful rendition of the 18th book.
The masterpiece starts with the first single, ‘Black Woman’. A song dedicated to the image and wishful mindset of what and who his partner in faith should be. Followed by, local radio stations morning, noon and night anthems, ‘Legal’, ‘Mother of Creation’ and ‘Find Jah’. These testimonies, not in any specific order, translates Spice’s life cycle of faith, that helps him to keep the fire burning throughout his career and personal life. ‘Mother of Creation’ starts his order, the care giver of him from conception to independence, then he ‘Finds Jah’, who reveals to him that no matter what the situation or consequence, he has a purpose on earth and that is to spread the message, near and far and live by his own inspiration, teach and believe, after which he was able to first hand vision his whole existence and put pen to paper and word his stripe on society, ‘Legal’.
The Book of Job, boasts 12 commercial tracks of living, loving and surviving life through faith and one bonus track, to be revealed.
Tune in to ‘The Book of Job’, coming soon.