This past weekend, Lauryn Hill announced the exciting news that she was pregnant with her sixth child, however, the announcement took a dramatic turn on twitter last night, when Rohan Marley logged on to set the record straight. According to Rohan, who Lauryn Hill referred to as her husband, he is not nor was ever married to Lauryn Hill and he isn’t expecting anything.
After Hip Hop Wired tweeted a link to their story about Lauryn Hill being pregnant, Rohan replied to them, “2 things, I’m not married and I don’t have anyone expecting anything.
Britni Daniels, an editor for Clutch magazine, then asked him:
“so we are clear: You’re not married to your ex-wife OR Lauryn, and 2) she’s not preggo w/ your child, but someone else’s?
Rohan responded:
“That’s correct, until I say out of my mouth to the contrary. Trust me the info out there has been so incorrect for so many years. “
This came as a surprise to most who believed Lauryn was still with the man who fathered her previous five children, however just a few days ago Hip Hop Detroit reported that Rohan is still legally married to the mother of his two other children and estranged wife Geraldine Khawly, a report that music journalist and television personality Toure documented for Rolling Stone magazine back in 2003. Back then, Toure wrote about Lauryn Hill’s soap opera like romances between Wyclef and Rohan and also reported that Lauryn found out that Rohan had a wife after she had her first child.
Pras singled out Hill’s first pregnancy as a turning point for the group. “When she got pregnant, definitely things started goin’ on,” he says. “Things got crazy.” While Hill’s stomach grew, the Fugee camp wondered whether the baby was Marley’s or Jean’s. Says a friend, “The conversation between everyone on the low was no one knew until that baby came out.” The day Hill went into labor, Jean told a source he was flying to her side to see his new child. “People don’t know how calculating she can be,” a friend says. “Lauryn used Ro to pull herself out of the relationship with Clef, and she happened to get pregnant. She hoped that baby was Wyclef’s, because it would’ve forced his hand. But it wasn’t.” Hill named her first child Zion Marley.
For years, Hill claimed that she was married to Rohan Marley, but at some point after Zion was born, Hill got another surprise: Someone told her Marley already had a wife. On March 18th, 1993, when he was a sophomore at the University of Miami, Marley married an eighteen-year-old woman from New Jersey in a ceremony in Miami. “The reason [Hill and Marley] aren’t married is because Ro is already married,” says a friend. Sources say Marley has two children from the marriage.
Hill decided to ignore it. “I think she was kinda like, ‘Put it in the closet and don’t even pay attention to it,’ ” says a friend. Rolling Stone could find no record of the dissolution of Marley’s marriage, and even now it’s unclear whether Hill and Marley were ever married in a conventional sense. “She has her own rules about life,” another friend says. “According to her, she’s married. Marriage to her is not a piece of paper, and it’s not part of some civilization — civil-lies-ation. If you say to her, ‘You’re not married,’ she’ll say, ‘What, do I have to get a government official to tell me I’m married?’ ”
Until recently, the twenty-eight-year-old Hill lived in a high-end hotel in Miami with Rohan Marley, the man she called her husband, and her four children. Her fourth child was born this past summer. Sources say that not long ago, Hill moved out of the hotel and that her relationship with Marley may be over.
That was eight years ago but it looks as though everyone assumed they were still together over the years. In 2008, however, Rohan Marley told People Magazine that the two were “spiritually together”.
That drama is enough material for a whole new album…