
10 Best Tips and Tricks for Playing Pokémon Go


6. Catch certain Pokémon by going to their natural habitats.
For instance, grassland and forest Pokémon will be near parks, while sea ones will be close to lakes and other bodies of water. Gastly will also only appear at night.

7. Turn off the AR function when trying to catch more tame Pokémon.
Keep them in your view for as long as you can, otherwise they’ll run away. Turning off this mode also allows you to view and control them more easily.

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8. Fully utilize the Battery Saver function in the options menu by turning the phone upside down.
The screen will turn into a Pokémon logo and consume the minimal amount of power while still counting steps and vibrating when a Pokémon is near.

9. Take advantage of special attacks in gyms.
When battling in a gym, charge up your Pokémon and unleash a special attack by long pressing on the screen. However, be warned that most battles usually won’t last long enough to use this type of attack.

10. Start off with Pikachu.
At the beginning of the game, reject others like Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle when initially starting out and eventually Pikachu will appear in the wild.


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