
Alabama Teacher Wears Blackface for Kanye West Halloween Costume

Heath Morrow has apologized for his decision to wear blackface as a part of his Kanye West Halloween costume. In a statement, read by the school district’s superintendent during a news conference, Morrow says his actions “were not malicious or directed toward any certain group of people.”

It’s Halloween time again, which means that photos are bound to surface of people who unfortunately still think it’s okay to wear blackface.

Heath Morrow, an Alabama elementary school teacher, is the latest person to shamelessly paint his face for a Kanye West costume. His wife Shannon, who dressed up as Kim Kardashian, shared the image on her Facebook and it was later posted to Reddit.

Morrow can be seen wearing a black blazer, red hat, and red shutter shades and holding a sign that says “Kanye for Prez 2020.” We can understand why people want to dress as the rapper, but darkening your skin for this costume is offensive.

“Haha some people thought Heath was really a black man,” Shannon commented on the photo, according to Raw Story. Shannon appears to think that it was all in good fun, but wearing blackface is racist, whether it is or isn’t Halloween.


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