With one week to go until election day Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Kevin Liles, and Diddy have released a joint open letter urging Barack Obama supporters to vote, and vote early where possible.

With polls reporting that Sen. Barack Obama leads Sen. John McCain by a substantial margin in most states, the hip-hop heavy weights don’t want likely Obama supporters to become complacent.

“It ain’t over, until it’s over,” the letter begins. “There is still so much work to be done. The thrill of victory is just 1 week away. We hear it in the streets, we feel it in our hearts and it’s burning in our souls.

According to Rock The Vote estimates, a leading voters registration group that specializes in the youth demographic, 44 million 18 – 29 year-olds will be elegable to vote in this election. This projection isn’t lost on the authors of the letter.

“Together, we have successfully registered the most young voters in the history of the modern political process. We called a State Of Emergency on October 3rd at 6:00AM and our culture stood up and recognized the importance of registering millions of voters.”

The letter openly endorses the Obama/Biden ticket and nods to ticket’s campaign theme of change.

“Your commitment to Change will continue to ring across our America…we are on the verge of making history, the kind of history that will be apart of our cultures legacy. The kind of history that bridges the gap between race, religion and culture.”

With early voting already begining in several states, the letter urges those who can to start casting their ballots.

“If you have the opportunity to vote early in your state then vote today. If you are voting on November 4th, make preparation today.”

Source: SOHH