Divas, Tifa and Tami Chynn, are set to host another Certified Diva Night Out at the Quadnight club on Wednesday, May 19. Both artistes’ will play host to the hottest Divas in dancehall at the event while unveiling their newest video. The event is dubbed the Certified Diva Night Out at the Quad Pt 2.

The Certified Diva single produced by Washroom Entertainment has been receiving rave reviews as a great cross-over single. Since the release of the single the Artistes have teamed up with director Dexter Pottinger, and Xaymaca Dance Troupe with a view to creating a visual experience to dazzle, impress and enhance the vibe of this club banging number.
Certified Diva Night Out at the Quad Pt 2 is for all the independent, sexy, hardworking DIVA’s to come out and play. This familiar mid-week spot opens its doors to the countless Dancehall DIVA’s fashionably dressed with matching Diva like swag to enjoy a great party experience. The club opens to patrons at 11pm ladies and college students with I.D. enter free before 1am, adm: $600.